Home Sustainable Living The Potential and Challenges of Hydroponic Farming in India: Cultivating Tomorrow

The Potential and Challenges of Hydroponic Farming in India: Cultivating Tomorrow

by Health Like Healthy
Hydroponic Farming in India


Hydroponic farming in India is something that many people are excited about. It’s not just regular farmers who are interested; even business people and government leaders are curious. India deals with significant issues like ensuring enough food, caring for the environment, and the changing climate. That’s where Hydroponics comes in, and this article is all about it. It’s called “Cultivating Tomorrow: The Potential and Challenges of Hydroponic Farming in India.”

For a long time, farming in India has been about planting things on the ground, as we learn in school. But now, because of insufficient land, less water, and weird weather, people are looking for new ways to grow food. Hydroponic farming is one of those new ways. It’s like magic because it grows plants without soil and can do it well.

Hydroponic farming in India has started to become popular in recent years. It’s like a significant change in how we do agriculture. With Hydroponics, you can control everything, like how much food the plants get and how much water they need. It also means you can grow crops all year round, whether too hot, cold, or rainy outside. And you don’t need vast fields of land for it.

But, of course, there are problems too. Starting hydroponic farming in India can be expensive; only some people know how to do it now. We also need rules and support from the government to make it work. We must ensure it’s okay for the environment and that we can make enough money.
In the rest of this article, we’ll look deep into hydroponic farming in India. We’ll see all the good things it can do, like projects already happening and stories of success. But we’ll also examine what might make it hard, like its challenges. By the time we’re done, you’ll know much about how hydroponic farming could change farming in India. Come with us on this journey to discover how it can make farming better and more sustainable for our country. Before digging further into this subject, let’s discuss hydroponic agriculture.

What is Hydroponic Farming?

Hydroponic farming is an excellent way of growing plants without using soil. Imagine plants growing in water! In this farming, the plant’s roots are in the water with particular nutrients. These nutrients are like plant food, which helps the plants grow.

Usually, plants get their food from the soil. Still, in hydroponic farming, they get everything from this particular water. This way, plants can grow inside buildings, on rooftops, or where soil is unsuitable for agriculture. It’s like having a garden without a big field or much ground.

Hydroponic farming is excellent because it uses less water than regular farming. Also, plants can grow faster and healthier since they get exactly what they need. It’s an intelligent way to produce food, especially in cities or places without limited space for big farms.

Hydroponic farming is part of a big market that is growing fast. By 2030, it’s expected to be worth $35.4 billion. This growth is because more people need food, there’s less farmable land, and the weather is changing. People in cities want fresh fruits and vegetables that don’t have chemicals. Hydroponics, which is farming without soil, is also being used to grow things like cannabis. New technologies and ways to farm in cities, like vertical farming, are making this more popular. But, it can be tricky to manage these farms, and it costs a lot to set up huge ones.

Some Projects and Success Stories of Hydroponic Farming in India:

Hydroponic Farming in India is part of a project by the South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE) called “Water Farming for Climate Resilient Agriculture and Disaster Preparedness in India and Bangladesh“. This project helps communities in these countries, especially those affected by floods, grow food using Hydroponics and aquaculture. It focuses on helping poor farmers and fishermen not part of the regular economy. The project offers hydroponic and fish farming training, assisting people in starting new businesses and preparing for climate change and disasters. The project has set up many hydroponic trays and fish farms, helping hundreds of people grow crops and fish, increasing their income significantly. It also includes training workshops for farmers and sustainable practices like solar-powered irrigation.

Hydroponic Farming in India is getting a big boost thanks to a remarkable invention called “Kambala” by a company in Bengaluru called Hydrogreens. This story starts with a guy named Shri Vasanth, who loves farming a lot. He talked to farmers in states like Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Odisha. Vasanth discovered that these farmers have tough times because of changing weather and insufficient rain, making it hard to grow food for their animals.

Vasanth had an intelligent idea about using Hydroponics to grow animal food. Hydroponics is a way of growing plants without soil, using water with unique stuff added to it. He made a product that even small farmers can use. It’s like a big box, as tall as a person and wide. It can grow lots of green food for cows every week. This box, called Kambala, only needs a little water or space and works well even in hot places.

Kambala is like a big fridge. Inside, it has shelves to grow cow food. Farmers put seeds like maize in it, and in a few days, there’s fresh green food ready for the cows. It’s cool because it uses very little water compared to growing the same thing in a field. It’s covered with a net to keep calm but lets air in.

The cost of a Kambala is low, and it uses little electricity. They even made a version that works with solar power! These Kambalas are now all over places like Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, helping many farmers.

Before starting Hydrogreens, Vasanth and his partner Jeevan M learned a lot about cows and growing food for them at a particular institute in Bengaluru. They teamed up with this institute to make the Kambala even better. This partnership helped them figure out the best way to grow animal food, especially when the weather is terrible.

One farmer, Shri Pukraj Jaipal from Rajasthan, says that Kambala is easy to use and helps his cows give more milk. Hydrogreens is also setting up unique places where farmers can buy this cow food. These places are in Karnataka and are run with the help of local groups that care about farming. This way, more farmers can use Kambala to feed their cows with good food.

Look out for Challenges of Hydroponic Farming in India.

The IEOM Society International published research on hydroponic farming in India. The study found that although hydroponic agriculture is growing in India, many farmers still need to learn about hydroponic systems. The main problems in hydroponic farming in India are:

  • Lack of education and awareness.
  • High initial investment and maintenance costs.
  • Lack of government financial support.

A significant problem is more education, awareness, and technical improvements. Farmers need to understand technical details like managing temperature and humidity. Small temperature changes can lead to substantial crop losses. Many farmers need to learn about Hydroponics and how to use it. Since young urban Indians mainly use this technology in start-up businesses, the problem is easier to understand—many online events are available on Webworld. One of the available programs, “Hydroponics Business Course“, is conducted by the Institute For Industrial Development. 

Setting up hydroponic farming in India costs more than traditional farming. Growing plants requires a building-like structure, food-grade plastic trays, and tubes. The infrastructure typically costs at least Rs. 50,000 per 1,000 sq. ft. Plumbing systems, automation, and other expenses for sensors, controllers, water pumps, and lighting add to the cost. Additional costs include consulting fees, controlling temperature, purifying water, and creating plant nutrition.

Hydroponic farming in India requires a lot of money, so it’s unrealistic for an average Indian farmer to pay for everything. In India, the central and state governments help farmers with the costs of starting Hydroponics. The amount of help varies for each state. The Maharashtra government recently gave farmers a 50% discount to use Hydroponics for growing animal food and farming. The National Horticulture Board has different values for each state. But most of these discounts are loans the farmer must repay within a specific time. Also, the support from states other than Maharashtra might be higher, which makes farmers less interested in starting Hydroponics.


Lastly, in conclusion, hydroponic farming in India is a new way of growing plants that has excited many people. Instead of using soil, it grows plants in water mixed with exceptional plant food. This is good because it saves water and lets farmers grow food inside buildings or on land that isn’t good for regular farming. You can grow plants any time of the year, which is fantastic. However, starting hydroponic farming in India can be expensive, and only some people know how. The government needs to help more and ensure it’s done in a way that’s good for the environment.

Some projects, like “Water Farming for Climate Resilient Agriculture and Disaster Preparedness” and a product called “Kambala,” are helping to spread the word about hydroponic farming in India. They help people in places with many floods or bad soil start their hydroponic farms. But there are still problems, like needing more people to know about this way of farming, it is too expensive to begin with, and insufficient help from the government. If we can figure out how to fix these issues, hydroponic farming in India could change how we grow food, making it possible for more people to farm in new ways.

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